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Ready to Teach Bilinguals

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Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.




Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.
Frida Kahlo | Mini-Books in English & Spanish | Poetry for Children

Frida Kahlo | Mini-Books in English & Spanish | Poetry for Children

I’m thrilled to offer you a special resource dedicated to one of the most iconic figures in art history: Frida Kahlo. Known for her vibrant self-portraits, bold use of color, and deeply personal themes, Kahlo’s art reflects her experiences with pain, identity, and the complexities of life. Born in Mexico in 1907, she faced many physical and emotional challenges, including a bus accident that changed the course of her life. Despite these hardships, she used her art to express her resilience, strength, and unique vision. Her work, often inspired by Mexican culture and her personal struggles, has inspired millions around the world, and her legacy continues to influence generations of artists and activists. To celebrate her incredible contributions, I´m offering a new freebie featuring two mini-books about the iconic artist Frida Kahlo! These mini-books, available in both English and Spanish, are perfect for sparking creativity and engaging your students with fun activities. Here’s what’s inside each mini-book: A word search filled with Frida-related vocabulary. A poem dedicated to Frida, celebrating her artistry and resilience. A blank sheet for students to draw their interpretation of the poem, encouraging artistic expression. This resource is perfect for bilingual classrooms or for** introducing Frida Kahlo** through art and language. Whether your students are learning in English, Spanish, or both, these mini-books will make learning about Frida engaging and fun!
Halloween - Noche de Brujas - Reading and Worksheets - Bilingual

Halloween - Noche de Brujas - Reading and Worksheets - Bilingual

ENGLISH VERSION: This set of bilingual worksheets and reading comprehension are related to HALLOWEEN. In this set, you will find the following activities: A reading text (short description) of the special date. Reading comprehension questions sheet. Write facts sheet. A bubble map to write words related to the special date. A KWL chart. Facts square chart. An interactive activity. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another special date. A poster of the special date in color. You can use thesesheetsforSocialstudies and literacycenters, classworkorhomework.
Todo sobre Las Manzanas - Ciencias para Niños - Worksheets/Crafts/Posters

Todo sobre Las Manzanas - Ciencias para Niños - Worksheets/Crafts/Posters

Esta unidad de trabajo sobre LAS MANZANAS contiene hojas imprimibles, actividades de manualidades, tarjetas y posters para trabajar en los centros de ciencias naturales en español. INDICE CONTENIDOS Y TIPOS DE ACTIVIDADES: HOJAS IMPRIMIBLES: PAGINAS Texto de no-ficción sobre las manzanas. Hoja de preguntas comprensivas sobre el texto de la pag. Anterior. Escribe 5 datos sobre la manzana. Observo la manzana y escribo lo que veo. Escribe palabras relacionadas con la manzana. Escribe sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. (cuadro 1) Dibuja el ciclo de vida de la manzana. Escribe lo que tiene y no tiene una manzana. Completa el cuadro de VENN comparando y contrastando a la manzana con otra fruta. Explica el ciclo de vida de la manzana (cuadro 2) Escribe datos sobre las manzanas en notitas. Escribe datos sobre las manzanas (son-tienen-se usan para-otros datos). Completa el cuadro KWL. Une los números con los dibujos que representan cada una de las etapas del ciclo de vida de la manzana. Escribe las partes de la manzana. Colorea o aplica círculos de colores sobre las palabras relacionadas con la manzana. Corta y pega el ciclo de vida de la manzana. 24-27 hojas de trabajo para recortar letras y armar y trazar las palabras: SEMILLA – BROTE – FLOR – MANZANA. Colorea por código. Lee el texto y colorea. Realiza un círculo y colorea los ítems relacionados con la manzana. Escribe datos sobre la manzana guiado: DESCRIPCIÓN, MIDE, PESA, etc… Hoja para DICTADO de 10 palabras sobre la manzana. Completa el cuadro sobre datos y opiniones sobre la manzana. Corta y pega los datos sobre la manzana. Luego, lee los datos y colorea. ACTIVIDADES DE MANUALIDADES: PAGINAS RUEDA sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. 36-37 BANDERÍN sobre TODO SOBRE LAS MANZANAS. 38- LIBRITO sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. 39-40 MONSTRUO sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. TARJETAS Y POSTERS: PAGINAS 40-41 TARJETAS sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. 42-46 POSTERS sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana
OTOÑO No-Prep FREEBIE Math and ELA Printables for Pre-K and Kinder in Spanish

OTOÑO No-Prep FREEBIE Math and ELA Printables for Pre-K and Kinder in Spanish

I’m so glad to share with you this great Little set of no prep printables related to fall for Spanish centers of Maths and ELA. The topics covered in this set are: · Los números del 1 al 10 · Los Colores · Letras del alfabeto · Objetos del otoño Activities or tasks covered: · Escribir los números · Trazar los números y las letras · Leer y unir · Hacer un círculo al sonido inicial
Back to School Fun - Regreso al Cole Divertido - Printables - Set 1 - Bilingual

Back to School Fun - Regreso al Cole Divertido - Printables - Set 1 - Bilingual

ENGLISH VERSION: This set of printables is the first set related to BACK TO SCHOOL themed activities. Each sheet contains engaging and motivational tasks to do in the classroom or for homework. It´s a bilingual set - English/Spanish. There are some printables to practise Mathematics and Language. Contents: Page 4 - BTS cover to color and have fun! Page 5 - Color by code Page 6 - Write the missing letters of the English alphabet Page 7 - Spin, color, count and write Page 8 - Trace the alphabet letters and color Page 9 - Count and write worms Page 10 - How to start the school day? Read, cut and paste the sequence Page 11 - Write the before and after number (1-10) Page 12 - Write the words with the correct pictures (student´s feelings) Page 13 - Trace and color words related to back to school Page 14 - Color by code: nouns - adjectives - verbs *The same printables are added in spanish language!
Non-Fiction Texts in Spanish - February Themes - Reading Comprehension Questions

Non-Fiction Texts in Spanish - February Themes - Reading Comprehension Questions

Lectura fácil- textos de no-ficción es una serie de textos cortos referidos a un tema en particular correspondiente al mes trabajado que le permite al estudiante estar en contacto directo con la lectura básica del idioma español. Cada texto viene acompañado de una serie de preguntas directas para poder dirigirse al texto fácilmente y responder de forma completa y mecánica. Cada texto contiene vocabulario básico para una comprensión más efectiva. Estos textos pueden ser utilizados para lectura guiada, centros de lectura o lectura grupal con el objetivo de brindar información. Cada texto cuenta con imágenes ilustrativas relacionadas. El texto y las preguntas vienen en hojas separadas para poder manejar mejor el espacio. Espero que les guste esta idea que es muy necesaria en la enseñanza de la lectura principalmente de una lengua extranjera. ******************************************************** Títulos de este set: ******************************************************** 1. El Día de George Washington 2. La Campana de la Libertad 3. Las Marmotas 4. El Año Nuevo Chino 5. El Día de San Valentín 6. El Mes de los Afroamericanos 7. La Historia de la Pizza 8. El Cuidado de los Dientes 9. El Día de Abraham Lincoln 10. El Día del Presidente
Bill Clinton - American Presidents - Worksheets and Readings - Bilingual

Bill Clinton - American Presidents - Worksheets and Readings - Bilingual

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to US presidents with a special version of Bill Clinton. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the president. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the president. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another US president. 9. A poster of the president in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework. **************************************************************** Este set de hojas de trabajos y de lectura comprensiva está relacionado con los presidentes norteamericanos con una versión especial sobre Bill Clinton. En este set, encontrarás las siguientes actividades: 1. Un texto de lectura (biografía corta) del presidente. 2. una hoja con preguntas de comprensión. 3. Una hoja para escribir información. 4. Un mapa de burbujas para escribir palabras sobre el presidente. 5. Un cuadro KWL en español. 6. Cuadro de información. 7. Una actividad interactiva. 8. Un diagrama de Venn para comparar y contrastar con otro presidente norteamericano. 9. Un poster en color. Tú puedes usar estas hojas de trabajo en los centros de Ciencias Sociales, trabajo de clase o de tarea para el hogar.
Valentine - Print and Ready - Literacy and Maths Packet/ Kinder-1st Grade (54 pages)

Valentine - Print and Ready - Literacy and Maths Packet/ Kinder-1st Grade (54 pages)

PRINT AND READY is a great way to teach in your classroom and engage your students. There is a set of printables related to Literacy and another set related to Maths to use at Valentine weeks. The printables do not need any previous preparation, just print, get ready to go to the class and deliver to your students. PRINT AND READY printables are ideal for class or homework and specifically for little kids. They are also perfect for homeschoolers or intervention students. Instructions or directions are clear and easy enough for the kids to understand and resolve individually or with little help from the teacher. The activities are aligned with Common Core Standards. *********************************************************************** You can complement this set with: Valentine - Print and Ready - FREE Literacy and Math Small Packet - K/1st Grade ************************************************************************* List of Contents: LITERACY: 1. VOWEL HEARTS!: Color the vowels by code. Then record how many. 2. Balloon of Hearts – Consonants: Find and color all the consonants. 3. Blocks of Hearts – Alphabet: Fill in the missing letters following the correct pattern. 4. Love Bunnies – Alphabet: Trace the letters of the alphabet (lower case). 5. Birds in love! – Alphabet: Trace the letters of the alphabet (upper case). 6. Monkey with heart – Sight words: Color the picture by sight words. (in – with – the – under –of) 7. Puppy at Saint Valentine! – Sight Words: Color the picture by sight words. (at – do – what – on – big) 8. Loving Birds! – Sight Words: Color the picture by sight words. (one – me – yes – no – up) 9. Owls love Valentine! – Alphabet: Write the before and after letter (follow the alphabet order) 10. Valentine Hearts! – L blends: Color by the correct L Blend (bl – cl –fl) 11. Cupid Clouds! – L blends: Cut and paste the correct L blend (gl – pl – sl) 12. What a Mess! – Valentine vocabulary: Color the items related to Saint Valentine Day. 13. Make Valentine Words! – Valentine vocabulary: Write the correct letters in the letter boxes. 14. Tracing at Valentine Time! – Valentine vocabulary: trace the words related to Valentine Day and color the pictures. 15. Lovely Valentine Middle A! – CVC words: look at the pictures and write the missing letters. 16. Lovely Valentine Middle E! – CVC words: circle the correct option. 17. Lovely Valentine Middle I! – CVC words: cut and paste the correct CVC words to the corresponding pictures. 18. Lovely Valentine Middle O! – CVC words: Unscramble the letters to write the correct CVC middle O words. and much much more...
I Can - Word Work in Spanish - Freebie

I Can - Word Work in Spanish - Freebie

YO PUEDO – TRABAJO DE VOCABULARIO es un set en español que contiene 20 hojas de trabajo para practicar las palabras básicas del idioma referidos a tópicos relacionados a cada mes. Este es un set gratuito que contiene 5 palabras básicas en español y que sirve como modelo de los demás sets mensuales. Los alumnos podrán reforzar, practicar y aplicar el aprendizaje de vocabulario base. Cada set se divide en 5 YO PUEDO: 1. YO PUEDO LEER: El alumno debe leer la palabra dada. 2. YO PUEDO ARMAR: El alumno debe recortar las letras que se encuentran debajo de la hoja y pegarlas en el orden correcto de acuerdo a la palabra indicada. Los casilleros que sobran se pueden colorear. 3. YO PUEDO TRAZAR: El alumno debe trazar la palabra tantas veces como se indica. Por lo general si la palabra dada es corta, ellos deberán trazar 2 veces y si la palabra es larga solamente una vez. 4. YO PUEDO ESCRIBIR: El alumno debe escribir tantas veces como pueda la palabra dada. 5. YO PUEDO COLOREAR: El alumno debe colorear el dibujo que representa la palabra dada y de esta manera podrá incorporar o internalizar mejor la palabra. Estos sets de YO PUEDO MENSUALES se pueden aplicar en las clases de español para: 1. La palabra del día 2. Centros de lenguaje extranjero 3. Tarea de la clase o del hogar **************************************************************************** PALABRAS INCLUIDAS EN ESTE SET: MANZANA – HACHA – JUNGLA – ROBOT - OFICINA ****************************************************************************
The First Thanksgiving Craftivity - Pictures and Intruction Sheet Added - Free

The First Thanksgiving Craftivity - Pictures and Intruction Sheet Added - Free

This is a freebie to make a craftivity related to the first Thanksgiving Day. Students will need: 1 set of sheets from pages 3,4 and 5 (optional page 5). Color pencils or crayons 1 pair of scissors 1 pen or pencil 1 glue 1 hard Cardboard with the size showed in sheet from page 5. (I use the sample sheet with little kids to cut and shape the card with the exact size). ************************************************************************************** You will find: 1 Instruction sheet for the students. 3 sheets with some instructions (pictures added)
Thanksgiving Word Work Printables for Little Kids (20 words)

Thanksgiving Word Work Printables for Little Kids (20 words)

These simple task printables are easy to make for kids from Pre-K to 1st grade at thanksgiving time. Students have to look at a picture and trace both words in upper and lower case that shows the word related to the picture. Then, they have to write both the first and the last letter of the given word. After this, they have to trace a sentence and read it to his partners or just spell each word of it. List of Thanksgiving vocabulary: Mayflower, pumpkin, turkey (roast), pilgrim girl, pilgrim boy, pie, indian girl, indian boy, pilgrim hat, cornucopia, turkey, wheat, poatatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, carrots, buns, acorn.
Thanksgiving Word Work Freebie for Little Kids

Thanksgiving Word Work Freebie for Little Kids

These simple task printables are easy to make for kids from Pre-K to 1st grade and to use at Thanksgiving week. Students have to look at a picture and trace both words in upper and lower case that shows the word related to the picture. Then, they have to write both the first and the last letter of the given word. After this, they have to trace a sentence and read it to his partners or just spell each word of it.
No-Prep Printables - Math Halloween in Spanish

No-Prep Printables - Math Halloween in Spanish

This Halloween set in Spanish is a selection of 26 no - prep math printables related to numbers from 1 to 120 divided in different sections: numbers from 1 to 10, 1 to 20, 1 to 50, 1 to 100 and 1 - 120. There is a cover page and the types of activities added in this set are the following: color by numbers tracing write the before and after numbers read and match numbers count and write numbers write the missing numbers right or wrong? cut and paste numbers skip counting by 5´s and 10´s do the sums and write the results color the odd and even numbers teacher dictation order the numbers from smaller to bigger complete ten frames Follow the ways of 9 amazing Halloween mazes. You can use these printables in Spanish and Maths centers, individual work, class or homework.
Halloween Free Word Work Mini-Set for Little Kids

Halloween Free Word Work Mini-Set for Little Kids

This is a FREE set of printables to practice words related to Halloween. Students have to read a Halloween word looking at a picture related to it. Then, they have to trace the word in upper and lower case letters. They also have to trace a sentence and read it to their partner and they finally have to order the letters of the word given. As complementary tasks, kids have to color the picture and the word of the title. This set can be used as centers and during the warm up, body or the last minutes of a lesson during Halloween previous weeks. The pintables are easy to use and a motivational resource for the class. Words in this set: bat – cat - witch
Non-Fiction Texts in Spanish - Halloween/Day of All Saints/Day of the Dead

Non-Fiction Texts in Spanish - Halloween/Day of All Saints/Day of the Dead

Lectura fácil- textos de no-ficción es una serie de textos cortos referidos a un tema en particular que le permite al estudiante estar en contacto directo con la lectura básica del idioma español. Cada texto viene acompañado de una serie de preguntas directas para poder dirigirse al texto fácilmente y responder de forma completa y mecánica. Cada texto contiene vocabulario básico para una comprensión más efectiva. Estos textos pueden ser utilizados para lectura guiada, centros de lectura o lectura grupal con el objetivo de brindar información. Cada texto cuenta con imágenes ilustrativas relacionadas. El texto y las preguntas vienen en hojas separadas para poder manejar mejor el espacio. Espero que les guste esta idea que es muy necesaria en la enseñanza de la lectura principalmente de una lengua extranjera. ********************************************************************** En esta edición se presentan textos de no-ficción referidos a Noche de Brujas, Día de Todos los Santos y Día de los Muertos. Títulos de este set: 1. ¿Qué es Noche de Brujas? 2. Las Brujas 3. La Calabaza 4. ¿Dulce o Truco? 5. Juegos de Noche de Brujas 6. Las manzanas de caramelo 7. Día de los Muertos (México) 8. Los Disfraces en Noche de Brujas 9. Símbolos de Noche de Brujas 10. Día de Todos los Santos en España
Story Sequence - Cut and Paste - Halloween FREEBIE (2 Little Stories)

Story Sequence - Cut and Paste - Halloween FREEBIE (2 Little Stories)

I thought of making this new product for you to work at Halloween time. You will find 2 different little stories: 1. The Unlucky witch 2. The Monsters Boys Both stories are mixed in a sheet of paper you can print for the students. They should read the three parts, cut and order them according to initial, middle and end parts. In their notebooks, they should paste following the logical order: the title, initial, middle and end part with the corresponding pictures and cards.
Halloween Characters Description Riddles Mini Cards

Halloween Characters Description Riddles Mini Cards

This is a motivational resource for kids at Halloween time. They have to trace Halloween Characters’ names, read description/riddle cards, cut and paste them in the correct square. As a final task, students can make the cards look full of colors. There are 12 different riddle cards with different Halloween characters: Mummy, Frankenstein, Pumpkin, Skeleton, Bat, Vampire, Ghost, Warewolf, Skull, Witch, Devil and Spider. Students can work in pairs or small groups giving them the 12 riddle cards. Let's have fun at Halloween!!!
Halloween Word Work Set for Little Kids (Printables)

Halloween Word Work Set for Little Kids (Printables)

This is a set of printables to practice words related to Halloween. Students have to read a Halloween word looking at a picture related to it. Then, they have to trace the word in upper and lower case letters. They also have to trace a sentence and read it to their partner and they finally have to order the letters of the word given. As complementary tasks, kids have to color the picture and the word of the title. This set can be used as centers and during the warm up, body or the last minutes of a lesson during Halloween previous weeks. The pintables are easy to use and a motivational resource for the class. Words in this set: broom, hat, web, tomb, skull, pumpkin, moon, ghost, Frankenstein, cauldron, candy, vampire, tree, house, finger, monster, spider, skeleton, mummy and devil.
Back to School - No-Prep Printables Packet CCSS (Pre-Kinder/1st Grade)

Back to School - No-Prep Printables Packet CCSS (Pre-Kinder/1st Grade)

This is a set of no-prep printables for the beginning of the school year. These printables can be used for little kids from Pre-Kinder to 1st grade. Each sheet refers to basic topics dealing at the first weeks of school. They are aligned with Math and ELA Common Cores and they are ready to use worksheets to use as homework, classwork or as complementary material even as warm ups, body of the lesson or close up. **************************************************************************** Here are the descriptions of the activities in this set: 1. Color by code: students color a picture of “a back to school board with school children” following a code. 2. Write numbers from 1 to 10. Students write numbers in symbols following the correct and logical order of the numbers from 1 to 10. 3. Trace numbers from 1-10: students have to trace numbers from 1 to 10 in symbols and color a nice picture. 4. Read and match the numbers: students have to look at numbers from 1 to 10 that are not in the correct order and match with their corresponding names. 5. Count and write: students have to count school items and write the total numbers in squares. 6. Look and write: students have to look at the numbers in symbols and write the corresponding names. They cover the numbers from 1-10. 7. Trace the alphabet letters: students have to trace the 26 letters of the English alphabet. All the letters are presented in lowercase. 8. Trace the alphabet letters: students have to trace the 26 letters of the English alphabet. All the letters are presented in uppercase. 9. What is there in your backpack?: Students have to draw items they have in their backpacks. There is a backpack background to draw the items. 10. Draw and show your friends: this is a nice activity to draw a selfie with the students’ best friends. 11. Read and tick what you like for luck at school: students have a small selection of different food and drinks. They have to select the items they like and add one of their best. 12. Circle and color items related to school: students have to circle and color items related to school. 13. Cut and form the phrase: “WELCOME TO SCHOOL”. Students cut each letter and paste them in the correct order. Then, color the pictures. 14. All about me!: this is a nice activity to make a flip flap book with 10 important personal data. Students have to color, cut the foldable and write the correct information under the flaps: full name, age, birthday, family, best friend, and MUCH, MUCH MORE...
FREEBIE Interactive Notebook (Welcome to School)

FREEBIE Interactive Notebook (Welcome to School)

This free interactive notebook activities for kinder and Elementary levels is divided into four parts: PART 1: In this part, you will find a flap with a tablet shape. Students have to color, cut, color and paste. You can follow the examples. PART 2: In this part, you will give the kids a set with flow chart. Students have to draw what they did the day before school. They draw, color the pictures and tell their classmates and teacher all about their activities. You can follow the second example. PART 3: in this part, you will give the kids a set with all the optional ALL ABOUT ME little flip flaps. Students have to color, cut , write and/or draw and paste. The options to choose or add all together are: My name; my age; my birthday; When I grow up I want to be …; my favorite color, food, sport, book, animal and song. PART 4: in the last part, you will find a mini flap for THIS IS MY TEACHER. Students have to cut, color, draw their teacher and paste. Follow the samples. You can provide feedback if you wish!